Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Big Idea (chapter one)

Yesterday, I began reading a book called "The Big Idea." While I am only on chapter two, I have learned so much on leadership and the fact that the church focuses so much on all these little concepts throughout the service and weekly programs. Dave Ferguson uses the following as an example in the first chapter....
"After church on the way home, the most frequently asked question by parents to their children is 'So what did you learn today?' and they most likely reply with 'umm...(Silence) umm...(More Silence)' never really knowing what to say. But what if the kids asked the parents the same question?" Every service, we are bombarded with all of these different little lessons when in fact if we had one and stuck with it, an answer might come to thought.

So far, "the big idea" Ferguson touches on is, "follow me" (referring to Jesus) Jesus did not call us to be Christians. He did not call us to have all of these Bible Studies and get stronger as a church together. Jesus was not a Christian, he did not build churches with steeples, He never took up offerings, He never wore religious garments, He never Incorporated for tax purposes. He simply called people to follow him. That's it. I am beginning to realize that our call as Christians is not to make the church bigger. The church is outside the steepled building and parking lot. It is the whole world.

I guess these past few months, I had it in my head that making a difference revolves around more church activities. As my youth minister recently said, "we don't need more Jesus, We need to be Jesus."

1 comment:

  1. thats what i'v been saying for the past 6 years, but they all look at me as if im crazy
