Thursday, April 2, 2009

Worship Together Conference

Throughout this past week I have gotten to attend one of the best worship conferences ever, I received a really good grade on my mid term exam for English Writing (It is a real class) (My mom has nothing to do with it) and I got to go to chick-fil. Sounds like a great week right?

The conference was awesome because in the afternoon, we got to hear Tim Hughes to a class on Effectiveness in Worship Leading. The class basically ran through the whole set list, who we are leading and ideas as to why the congregation does not respond sometimes. The best thing about that class for me came when he asked "Where do we Recharge?" (After the service) I realized that we go into a huge ordeal of preparation for the service that morning and afterwards, we go home and plan the next set or rest for the day because it is so exhausting.

Al Gordon taught the next class on
What It Means to Be an Authentic Leader
He used the 6 guitar strings as an acronym for
(E) Examine the Heart
-The heart is the wellspring of life
-Worship begins in the heart

(A) Advance Humbly
- If we don't choose humbleness, God will
- Humility does not come on its own
- A really good quote "When we want to criticize worship (a worship team or anything else in worship) Choose to be positive because it is all successful in his eyes

(D) Disciple Yourself
-We are responsible for our own walk
- Most of the greatest leaders in the world spend 50 percent in their own life. Basically, to do an effective ministry, we need to be prepared in our selves first.

(G) God and Relationship
He gave a list of how the ministry priority list should work.
1. God
2. Marriage
3. Your Children
4. Your Work
5. Ministry
Basically I learned if the first four are set in place, number five begins to happen on its own.

(B) Be Holy
"Pride is the cancer to the soul"

(E) Enjoy the Adventure
Basically he said to enjoy the ministry you are serving in.

Since this is so long, I will post the next class by Micheal Grunger tomorrow.

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