Monday, March 23, 2009

A great weekend

Hello everyone. I am officially back home and yes I do have spell check. (hopefully my spelling improves otherwise we have a problem) Friday and Saturday, I attended the Junior high Believe youth conference. (I volunteered) It was really cool just to get to watch over 2,500 kids worship God and just kind of walk down memory lane for when I attended the conference as a student.

Yesterday, I was able to play drums for our student ministry service. Usually, it is pretty hard for me to come before God and just worship with all my heart when I play the drums because there is so much going on and to carry out. Yesterday, turned out way different though. I don't know why, but the whole morning was just really powerful and moving even while I was playing.

We are currently going through a series call "Echo" (A walk through acts) Yesterday, our youth minister talked about witnessing and a quote from him that really hit me hard was "The voice of our peers echos louder in our ears than the voice of God." I also think It is very true that so many teens let what their friends think and do drive the way they live their life. Some other cool points he had were
-An echo needs something to bounce off.
-Peter and John were ordinary unschooled men. (We at least have and continue to have an education)
-Realize not everyone will like you
-“We have become followers of Christ much like we have become followers of our favorite sports team or even the latest reality television show.”

And another direct quote from his sermon
You will face barriers As you strive to Echo your excitement about who Christ is and what He means to you, barriers will be put up by the people around you. There will be questions that you do not have answers too. You will struggle because you make mistakes and those around you will capitalize on them. Peter and John have been put in jail and it was a barrier, as it stopped them from sharing anymore that afternoon.

Every day I can, I will post a random picture from Italy. (I have 1344 so it should be intresting)

Song of the day: Whatever You Want

1 comment:

  1. Zach,

    Glad to see the messages are challenging you and really causing you to think. God has so much that he wants to do with you that it is hard to see when we let everything else get in the way.

    David Mehrle
