Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I am a tourist!!!

So today is the first official day of Italy. Yesterday, up for over 40 hours, I unpacked my things and moved into Italy. Lets start with the flight...

So 10:45 we departed St louis and headed to Cincinati (No Spell Check :( Sorry for this...) we arrived there and 10 minutes before we board our plane to new york, we hear on the lous speaker "We are sorry but due to storms and lack of plane room in new york, Flight "(Bunch of numbers)" will not leave for 3 extra hours" AWESOME... Our flight from new york to Rome leaves at 6:30 and we arrived in new york at 6:35!!!!! So good. After lots of impatience let out, (LONG story short) we took this incredible AIR BUS full of snooty french people. The plane had a plasma tv on each back of each seat!!! I watched High School Musical three all night....

The whole plane was litterally first class. (The Actual first class had really big and fancy chairs and bigger plasmas.)

8:00 am tuesday morning, we arrived in paris.

At noon, (exactly) we arived in ROME. YES ROME!!!

Now after walking over a billion miles, I am resting. (It is 12:19 am) We saw the outside of the Coloseum (the inside closes after 4:30 pm and we got there 5 minutes too late but saw all of the big stuff around it.

Today (yesterday I guess) we went to Vatican City where I SAW THE REAL POPE!!! He blessed a bunch of people. Then we visited all around there. I feel like a tourist walking around in shorts when everyone is dressed in scarfs and gloves.

Overall so far, I have learned that I have a huge love for FLYING, CLOUDS, Italian Ice Cream and Italian sunglasses. Good thing I can wear them...Also, (If anyone reads this lol) the glass bottles up top are full of water and nothing else. I even brought them back with me!!! Good Night!!!

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